Zero Waste & Low Cost Mother’s Day

If you are anything like me you hoard things just incase you need them… If you’re not like that then I urge you to try it; it makes making stuff so much easier!

Personally, I prefer handmade gifts over bought ones because it feels like you are receiving a piece of that person’s creative soul. You know that they have taken tine out of their day to make something for you with you in their mind. Luckily for me my mother is the same.

We are both really crafty; for which I have her to thank. This means that she totally gets not spending money on gifts and just making stuff. Although it’s not everyone’s cup if tea, it works for us.

Here are the bits I gifted this Mother’s day which were made or constructed by my own hands:

  • I potted up a cutting of a succulent in a tin that I cleaned up
  • I crocheted a cover for the tin because she likes purple. (Chain of about 20 in chunky yarn, chain extra 2 then crocheted a row of treble crochet into a rectangle. Sealed up into a circle using slip stitch) to join both the edges together.
  • I made a tassel & heart key chain because I had our new door key to give her. The tassel was made from some gold faux leather and some keychain bits I had laying about. I think I found the heart somewhere years ago and saved it from a likely unloved future.

While I say ‘zero waste’ what I actually mean is that there was no plastic wrap or mileage for the goods. Nothing extra was purchased to make these items; it was just things from my own stash that were just sitting there not doing anything. That being said, I don’t know how zero waste it us to have yarn and faux leather that won’t break down very easily. I suppose I could have used some bamboo or cotton yarn and made a material tassel, but these are the materials I had to hand.

Obviously all our Mothers are different; some may want a bunch of flowers, some may choose not to celebrate it at all. But however you choose to honour them on this day remember to do something that they love or will get joy from.

Keep it crafty!

Vee 🙂 x

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